Thursday, October 2, 2008

Euthanasia, Suicide, Withdrawing and withholding life support.

My reflection on the three topics.

First is that i think that these topics are legally moral since, in experience, there are a lot of people questioning these facts. Even if one says that it is not legally moral, why do many people still undergo these processess. Euthanasia provides a lot of different views in people. Views such as "This person is not valuable enough for me to sustain his/her life" and "I can't go on like this with you as a vegetable and me as a sorrowful (insert relation here)." some of these views can't ereally be understood by most people, like a child not knowing what is happening to his mother, the one who brought his life into this world. and that she is suffering, and at the same time happy, for she has brought such a blessing to this world, with her husband. The husband, not knowing what to do, clings on to the dagger, and...

What i am angered about in euthanasia is that the one who indirectly kill(give the final blow) to the suffering patient is the one who is most dearest to him. giving unbearable pain and misery to the one who kills, and giving an end to the suffering.

next topic is about suicide.

For me, i think that this is for people that are mentally ill. soill that one will try to kill his own life with some irreversible methods for killing. i really do think that they're mentally ill since one who would really commit such a thing contradicts all his past experiences. simply,by living, you have changed. and that's what's nice about living, its because you can change which is why you were able to live. and i think that its a pain if the people in the medical field would even try to explain how this stuff happened.

the last topic is about withdrawing life support.

This is somewhat the same as euthanasia. and the my stand still goes with it. Why is it that the burden spreads from one person to another. that is unfair! and that its sad that we have to face such things. If it were me, i would stop the life support after i had wanted to say the things i have always wanted to say to that person. i know that is may be selfish, but this is what i have decided. and even if times change, i will still fulfill his/her wishes so that i may also fulfill mine.


Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Autonomy is very much synonymous to freedom and independence. In Ethics, Autonomy is respect for an individual's right to self-determination and it enhances his/her personal growth. This means that the individual can have the right to self-govern and have independence. The not-so-positive side to this is that the consequences in this actions are big, and if the individual cannot decide for him/herself then it might result to failure or negative feedback. An example of this would be the head of the family, the father. The father is the one who decides for the family, whether good or bad. The father should know what is best, and by knowing what is best for the family, he will also become independent and will have freedom in the family. If then, for example, one of the family members get sick, the father, who is usually the head, will take charge. The mother will usually nurse the sick member with her motherly love, and it is usually the father's role whether or not, to call the doctor. The father in this example uses autonomy and that whether the sick member will live or not is up to the father, followed by the doctor and the mother. very stressed... to be continued...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Health Ethics 2

Health Ethics 2.... to be continued

Health Ethics 1

I want to talk mainly about Ethics. Ethics means choosing the right thing in any given situation. Such actions can only be done based on knowledge, and that studying about ethics is what we're here for.

Since we're nurses, we have to deal with Health Ethics. This is where we learn the morality of acts, the acts that should be done, and the reasoning behind those acts. An example of this is the Stem cell production. Stems cells, as we see it, will produce better results and better livelihood techniques. But then, a question was raised, "Isn't this the same as cloning?". A debate was held whether to continue stem cell or not. The majority's answer was to stop stem cell production, as it was another type of cloning and that we(as humans) do not have the right to manipulate another man's life. This example falls on the Bioethics issues, as stem cell production deals with the recent advance in technology.

My say about this is that i agree with the decision made by the majority. We should not manipulate the lives and the souls of one's being. Doing this should promote better health and wellness behaviors, because it was us who caused the pollution(though it was our forefathers who started this) and it should be us who should fix this.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

out of boredom..

yey for my first blog ^^)